Randy Etter, a local R&B singer in Indianapolis, went to great lengths to save his dog, Gemini, even risking his job in the process.
The Strong Bond Between Randy and Gemini
Gemini, a lively two-year-old pit bull, has been Etter’s close friend since he was a puppy.
They share a strong connection, facing both highs and lows together.
However, they faced a major challenge when Gemini, normally an energetic dog, started acting very tired and began to vomit.
Gemini’s Sudden Illness
Worried about his dog’s health, Etter took him to an emergency vet.
The first few vet visits didn’t provide any answers as the medical team struggled to diagnose Gemini.
As Gemini’s condition worsened, Etter’s search for a diagnosis led him to several vets, ultimately costing him his day job.
Racing Against Time to Save Gemini

Eventually, a vet identified the problem: a baby bottle top Gemini had swallowed was blocking his stomach.
The surgery to remove the blockage would cost between $3,500 and $6,000, a steep price, especially since Etter had just lost his job.
Worried he might lose his dog, Etter quickly put his car up for sale, even dropping the price by $1,000 to raise money faster.
Despite Etter’s quick actions, the $2,000 loaned to him by a friend wasn’t enough, but hope remained.
The Community Steps Up to Help
In an incredible display of support led by the S.O.A.R. Initiative (Street Outreach Animal Response), people from across central Indiana donated nearly $3,000 to cover the surgery costs.
This collective effort saved Gemini, allowing him to get the necessary treatment.
The surgery was successful, and Gemini fully recovered.
Gemini’s Recovery
In a heartfelt message on S.O.A.R.’s Facebook page, an overwhelmed Etter thanked everyone: “Thank you so much for everything you did. I just can’t express how I’m feeling right now. You guys are so amazing. I’m just speechless and so thankful for you all.”
Etter now takes extra precautions to keep dangerous items away from Gemini, ensuring such an incident doesn’t happen again.
Going Extra Length for Our Pet
This story highlights the deep love between a man and his dog, as well as the incredible kindness of a community that came together to save a life.
In a world full of challenges, Randy and Gemini’s story reminds us of the amazing acts of kindness people are capable of.
For Randy Etter, selling his car was a small sacrifice to save Gemini’s life—a clear testament to the lengths one can go for love.