- Freelance author specialized in wildlife articles
- Ghostwriter for travel articles and ebooks
Climbed mountains on three continents
Graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a Bachelor’s Degree in Media and Information, specializing in New Media and Digital Culture.
Outforia’s Editorial Policy
Outforia stands by the integrity of its journalistic content. Every member of the Outforia pledges to publish only unbiased, non-monetized views. All news, reviews, articles and features are shared with full transparency as to performance and purpose with any brand input clearly noted.
We meticulously fact-check every article shared for accuracy of quotes, features, pricing and more. We will be as efficient as possible in updating any information published that is no longer accurate, whether discovered in-house or brought to our attention by a valued user.
We respect ownership of visual collateral and only use media for which we have ownership or express approval by the media’s owner. Likewise, any media no longer approved for use will be promptly removed.