In a quiet corner of Turkey, a regular day turned into an incredible story of rescue when a landslide left a family of dogs trapped, with just the mother’s head above ground.
This is their tale of hope, bravery, and the incredible kindness of a vet named Soner Büyümez.
Mother and Puppies Caught in Disaster
Soner Büyümez was working in his orchard when he heard a dog’s desperate cries.
He found a mother dog stuck in the dirt, only her head free, after a landslide had hit the area. Her eyes begged for help, and Büyümez knew he had to act.
The Urgent Rescue
With his colleague’s help, Büyümez quickly got the dog out, but she was still upset, which made them think there was more to the situation.
They were right—her puppies were buried alive under the earth, calling out in fear.
Büyümez and his colleague worked fast, digging with their hands. They pulled out the first puppy, dirty but alive, and realized there were more.
They kept digging, and after two long hours, they rescued seven puppies.
A Fresh Start
Although one puppy sadly did not make it, the mother dog could finally be with her surviving babies. They were now free to move, play, and enjoy their new life.
A New Home on the Farm
The kind vet went beyond just rescuing the dogs. He gave the mother and her puppies a home on his farm where they could live without worry and be safe.
Building Trust Again
The puppies are learning and growing each day, getting ready to find their own homes. The mother, named Angel, is slowly getting used to being cared for and loved.
Every wag of her tail and small step forward shows she is starting to trust again.
Seeing Angel change from a scared dog to one learning to trust is inspiring.
It gives us hope that even when things look bad, there can be kindness around to help make things better.