Wally the wandering walrus became a favorite on the internet after swimming over 4,000 kilometers.
People across Europe have followed his journey with excitement. Now, Wally has been spotted in Iceland, which gives everyone hope he’s finding his way back to the Arctic.
For more than three weeks, no one knew where Wally was. Seal Rescue Ireland had almost given up hope.
But then, they found out Wally was in Iceland. They knew it was him because of the unique scars on his flippers.
Wally’s First Stop

Wally first got everyone’s attention in March when he showed up in County Kerry, Ireland.
His habit of climbing onto boats made him quite well-known. But this was also a problem because it could damage the boats.
A Special Place for Wally

People understood that Wally needed a safe place to rest, so they made a special floating dock just for him on the Isles of Scilly.
This stopped him from climbing on boats and getting into trouble.
A video shared the whole story of Wally’s travels. He was called a “giant baby,” exploring and getting to know new places.
Although Wally is friendly and likes being around people, it also puts him in danger.
The Danger of Adventures

Wally’s adventures were exciting but also showed how tough things can get for animals like him.
Freya, another walrus who ended up in Europe, wasn’t as lucky.
Her story ended sadly because she couldn’t find her way back home and had problems because she got too close to people.
Seeing Wally again in Iceland has made everyone very happy. They believe he’s now heading back to where he belongs – the cold Arctic seas.
Time to Help

As the ice where walruses live keeps melting, more animals might end up traveling like Wally did.
It reminds us to look after their homes and treat them kindly when they visit us.
Wally’s incredible trip shows how strong and adaptable these animals are. His story is full of hope.
Everyone is rooting for Wally to make it back to the Arctic, where he can live a normal walrus life.