During an ordinary morning walk, Brendon stumbled upon a lonely newborn lamb. This little lamb was not afraid but instead ran to Brendon and wouldn’t leave.
This surprising start led to a great friendship and a new path for both of them.
Beans Gets His Name
Beans was alone and weak, but he was full of energy. That’s why Brendon named him Beans. After getting the food and care he needed, Beans got better quickly.
His happiness and love for life grew every day.
An Angel in Wool
Beans changed Brendon’s life. He made Brendon want to start a place where animals like Beans could be safe.
They called it St. Beans, a name inspired by the wooly wings that grew on Beans’s back like those of an angel.
New Friends
Beans needed other lambs to be happy. That’s where Frosty came in, a lamb who had lost his family.
Beans and Frosty immediately hit it off and became best buddies, showing the kind of friendship St. Beans wanted to offer.
A Safe Place for Lambs
The story of Beans and the start of St. Beans spread the word that places like this are important.
Many lambs in New Zealand need help, and St. Beans is there to offer them a safe and loving home.
Learning from Beans
Grown up now, Beans is still a big personality who loves life.
People have been surprised by how smart and fun he is, just like a pet dog. He’s shown that animals deserve to be loved and understood.
Building the Future
St. Beans aims to grow and help even more animals.
Beans has become a symbol of hope and happiness, leading the way for the sanctuary, which continues to reach out and care for animals in need.