Meet Riggs, a brave wolf whose story of survival has captured the hearts of everyone at the Apex Protection Project.
His caretakers, Paula and Steve, have told of his amazing journey from danger to safety, showing how close people are to animals.
From Danger to Safety
Riggs’s adventure started when he escaped and traveled a long way, ending up in a town in Oklahoma where he had to search through trash to find food.
Paula and Steve talk about how much they love Riggs, showing how deep their friendship has become.
For three months, Riggs lived off whatever he could find, proving how tough he was.
But life in town was hard for a wolf like him, and he almost lost his life after being caught because he was in a place where it was against the law to have wolves.
That’s when Paula and Steve heard about him and knew they had to save him. They drove for 19 hours and got to him just in time.
The Rescue
When they arrived to rescue Riggs, they found out he was a beautiful black wolf.
This means he has a rare and special fur color that comes from a long line of wolves with very strong immune systems. They also thought he was more dog than wolf, but it turned out he’s all wolf.
Riggs the Wolf-Dog
Even though Riggs is a full wolf, he acts differently from what you might expect.
“He’s still very wily and skittish, but he loves being around people,” Paula explains.
He’s a bit shy, but he really enjoys being around people. This makes him very special because wolves usually keep to themselves.
Riggs and Steve have a strong relationship that goes against the usual fear wolves have of men.
“It’s definitely a father-son relationship,” Steve notes, emphasizing the emotional depth of their connection.
They even play in a way that might seem rough, but it’s just how wolves show love.
Lessons Learned from Riggs
Riggs is more than just playful; he shows us how wise wolves are. Paula says that wolves are known as teachers, and living with Riggs has shown her just how true that is.
Wolves have a lot of love for each other and take good care of their pack, which is something we can learn from.
A Future Together
Riggs lives in a large space with tall fences that keep him safe, showing that he’s more than just a survivor. He’s a sign of what can happen when people care and take action.
The Apex Protection Project’s work to save animals and Riggs’ story bring attention to a key goal: to live in peace with the wonderful animals we share our world with.
Paula and Steve are proud of their bond with Riggs and believe that if we could all be a bit more like wolves, the world would be a better place.
Riggs’s life with them shows us the importance of strong relationships and the power to get through hard times.