Winston, a small spider monkey who once had a rough start, is now the heart of Michael’s home, bringing joy and laughter every single day.
From Tough Times to Fun Times

Winston’s story began in a tough spot. He was taken from his natural home to be sold as a pet, and he was not taken care of.
That all turned around when Michael, with the help of SPARTN (a nonprofit charity that gives homes to primates in need), gave Winston a new place to live.
With lots of love and care, Winston learned how to eat well and started getting healthy again. As he got better, he also started to show his fun side.
Just Like a Kid
Living with Winston is like having a little kid around all the time. He’s full of curiosity and loves to play and discover new things.
You may catch him peeking into cupboards, swinging from a lamp, or even attempting to hop into the shower with Michael!
Winston is always up to something that’ll make you laugh.
He even gives the best cuddles and tries to copy what Michael does, which is just adorable.
Shared Smiles

Michael finds that life is a lot more fun with Winston by his side. It’s clear to see that animals and humans can form incredible friendships.
Michael even imagines growing old with Winston, humorously saying, “I tell my kids one day they can change my diapers and Winston’s diapers at the same time.”
Winston’s presence in the home proves that kindness and care can lead to a life filled with happiness and fun.