Lynn Smith, a resident of Austin, Texas, has found himself in an unexpected spotlight as his backyard became a sanctuary for over 50 deer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
By transforming his family’s outdoor workouts into a welcoming scene for these gentle creatures, Smith has captured the hearts of millions on TikTok with his remarkable human-animal interactions.
Turning a Backyard into a Deer Haven
“It all happened during COVID,” Lynn explains to WGN News, recounting how the deer became accustomed to their presence.
“My wife and I started working out outside, and they just got super comfortable and started getting closer and closer.”
Building Trust with the Local Wildlife
With a straightforward approach to attracting the deer, it wasn’t through any special tricks that he won their trust but through consistent feeding.
“No, I just have the food,” says Lynn when asked if he did anything beyond feeding to draw them in. It took patience; with some deer, like Bluebell, the first to feed from his hand, it took about a year to build enough trust.
The Deer of Austin
Lynn’s casual recognition of the deer, naming them by their distinctive scars and antlers, illustrates the closeness of their relationship.
He jokes about their individuality, “When you’re up close with the deer, they have, you know, their faces look different. They have scars. And their horns are different.”
The neighborhood has embraced Lynn’s endeavors, with many residents sharing in the feeding, creating a community that adores its new members.
The local wildlife officials have not raised concerns about the balance of nature in the area, likely due to a low population of predators.
The Cost of Caring for Deer Friends
However, the increasing number of deer brings its challenges, including a significant amount of feed needed every month. As Lynn humorously points out, “We’re going through about 2000 pounds of feed a month.”
When asked how much that costs him, he answers with an astonishing amount of $700 to $800. “Kids don’t need to go to college; don’t worry about it.”
Beneath the Title
Though not formally trained in animal care—Lynn’s career is in equipment financing—the “Deer Whisperer” title seems to fit. Lynn acknowledges that the bond may hinge on the abundance of food, but his genuine affection for these animals is evident.
A Family Affair
The Smith children also enjoy their father’s unique hobby, despite a playful envy for his social media following.
“We have 12, 13, and 14-year-olds, and they like it. I think they’re a little upset that I have more followers than they do,” Lynn shares with a chuckle.
A Gentle Reminder
Lynn Smith’s TikTok success with his deer friends shows a positive side of human-animal relationships, but this can create complex issues for the local environment.
Regular contact with humans can make deer too dependent on us for food, which can interfere with their ability to find it on their own in nature.
This dependency might lead to too many deer living close to human homes because they no longer migrate for food. This could cause problems as deer and humans compete for living space.
When it comes to wildlife, it’s important to watch from a distance and not feed the animals to avoid them getting too used to humans.
And if you have pets with you, it’s essential to keep them on leashes to avoid disturbing the wildlife.
This reminder helps us appreciate the role we play in preserving the delicate ecosystems we are a part of.