In Indiana, Jeff Watson has an unusual set of friends: two grizzly bears named Bob and Screech.
Grizzlies usually have a reputation for being fierce, but around Watson, these bears are calm and friendly.
Path of Healing and Friendship
Watson, often called “the Bear Man,” has spent the last twenty years caring for bears. When he couldn’t walk anymore because of a serious illness, he discovered how much comfort and friendship bears could bring into his life.
For Watson, Bob and Screech aren’t just animals. They’re loyal friends who lift his spirits.
Taking Bob and Screech from a sanctuary that had to shut down made a big difference in Watson’s life.
The Unexpected Softness of Bears
Watson’s everyday moments with the bears show just how gentle these big animals can be.
They eat together, play, and live side by side. He has experienced firsthand the often-overlooked gentleness of these powerful animals.
Even when Bob and Screech growl while playing, Watson knows they trust him and mean no harm.
Choosing a Path of Coexistence
Bob and Screech’s life with Watson gives us a sweet look at how humans and grizzly bears can get along.
The way these bears show their softer side is proof that even animals known for being strong can have a calm and loving side if they’re treated right.
Watson’s strong bond with Bob and Screech shows us how caring and patience can lead to a peaceful life together, no matter how different we are.
Taking in Wild Animals
In the United States, rules about keeping wild animals as pets differ by state.
In Indiana, where Jeff Watson and his grizzly bear friends reside, you need special permits and must follow strict guidelines to ensure the safety of both animals and people.