In an inspiring tale, Rex, a dog who endured a lot of hardship, finds two loyal friends in his new family’s pets, who help him deal with his fears.
Rex’s Big Turnaround
A Reddit user’s video has warmed a lot of hearts.
It shows Rex, a big mix of English and French Mastiff, getting comfort from his smaller dog friends, Huxley the Shih Tzu, and Winnie, who is white and deaf.
Rex had a rough start in life, with people who didn’t treat him well, making him very scared. But now he’s making significant progress with a family that loves him.
When Dogs Get Scared
Research from the University of Helsinki shows many dogs get anxious, especially if they’ve been mistreated. Rex is one of those dogs.
Things were so bad that even loud noises would scare him. But his life began to change when he met his fourth owner, a kind person who wanted to help him feel safe and loved.
“He was my first dog post-divorce, when I was single, so we kind of helped each other a lot,” said Rex’s owner.
Rex’s New Brothers and Sisters
In the video, Huxley and Winnie rush to Rex’s side when he feels nervous.
Huxley, who’s always happy, lifts everyone’s spirit, while deaf Winnie shows that love doesn’t need to be heard to be felt.
Winnie follows Rex everywhere, relying on him to help her understand what’s happening around her because she can’t hear.
They have helped Rex escape his shell and learn to trust again.
The World Cheers for Rex
Many people on Reddit have fallen in love with Rex and his pals, giving their story thousands of likes and heartfelt comments.
One person wrote, “I can’t tell you how much this information sparks joy in me. Winnie, Rex, and Huxley are some of my current favorite people.”
It’s clear that Rex’s story reminds us how much good can come from having caring friends and family.