This story begins with Tig, a small pit bull puppy found alone and in bad shape on the roadside, fighting to stay alive.
His journey from being found to becoming a happy and energetic dog is nothing short of amazing.
When he was discovered, Tig was so weak and still, it was hard to tell he was alive.
He had been left alone with barely any time left, and at only 15 pounds, his condition was severe.
He was hurried to an emergency vet, where they weren’t sure he would make it through the night.
A Little Tail Wag
But Tig showed he wasn’t giving up. His tiny tail wags were his way of saying he was ready to fight back.
After three days, a foster mom with lots of experience took him in, and that’s where his recovery really started.
Steps to Getting Better
Tig’s first days with his foster mom were challenging. He looked so sad with his ears and tail hanging low.
Then, on day three, you could see a change. His tail started wagging more, and his ears perked up.
Each day, he got a little stronger and started to stand and then walk on his own.
Tig’s Turnaround
By the end of his first week with his foster family, Tig was up and walking. His early steps were shaky, but he soon got the hang of them.
He began to walk further each day, and his confidence grew. The puppy, who could hardly move, was now walking down the street, full of life.
In his second week, Tig’s playful side came out. He was excited to play with the family’s other dog, a big Rottweiler.
He went from short walks to exploring the neighborhood, keeping up with his canine buddy.
A Brand-New Puppy
After a few more weeks, Tig wasn’t just a once-sick puppy anymore; he was active and full of fun.
His fur got thicker and shinier, and he gained weight. But it wasn’t just his looks that changed—his spirit did, too.
Love Wins
By weeks five and six, it was time to talk about finding Tig a permanent home. His foster mom, Megan, had seen how far he’d come and decided he belonged with her forever.
Tig, who had been left to fend for himself, now stands proud with a story that shows the power of kindness and the incredible will of dogs.
“His ability to love is the most admirable thing about him,” Megan says. Tig went through so much but kept his loving nature.
Now, all he wants is to give love, and in his new forever home, he gets back just as much love as he gives.